Journal RDF
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- Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
- Journal of Signal Processing Systems
- Journal of Singing
- Journal of Singularities
- Journal of Sleep Research
- Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
- Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
- Journal of Social Archaeology
- Journal of Social History
- Journal of Social Issues
- Journal of Social Philosophy
- Journal of Social Psychology
- Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions
- Journal of Socio-Economics
- Journal of Sociolinguistics
- Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Journal of Soils and Sediments: protection, risk assessment and remediation
- Journal of Solar Energy Engineering
- Journal of Solid State Chemistry
- Journal of Sound and Vibration
- Journal of South American Earth Sciences
- Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)
- Journal of Southern History
- Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
- Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
- Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies
- Journal of Special Education
- Journal of Special Education Technology
- Journal of speech and hearing research
- Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research