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- Interplanetary and Interstellar Dust Near Earth (iDUNE): Exploring the Diversity of the Chemical Makeup of Solar System Bodies from 1 AU Conference Proceeding
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- Interplanetary coronal mass ejection influence on high energy pick-up ions at Venus Journal Article
- Interplanetary coronal mass ejection observed at STEREO-A, Mars, comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Saturn, and New Horizons en route to Pluto: Comparison of its Forbush decreases at 1.4, 3.1, and 9.9 AU Journal Article
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- Interplay of Coulomb interactions and disorder in three-dimensional quadratic band crossings without time-reversal symmetry and with unequal masses for conduction and valence bands Journal Article
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- Interplay of electron correlation and intense field dynamics in laser induced double ionization Conference Proceeding
- Interplay of electron correlation and intense field dynamics in the double ionization of helium Journal Article