Academic Article
Long-Term Trends of Anthropogenic SO2, NOx, CO, and NMVOCs Emissions in China
Journal Article
Long-term trends of black carbon and sulphate aerosol in the Arctic: changes in atmospheric transport and source region emissions
Journal Article
Long-Term Tsunami Data Archive Supports Tsunami Forecast, Warning, Research, and Mitigation
Journal Article
Long-Term Variability of Mars' Exosphere Density Based on Precise Orbital Analysis of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Odyssey
Journal Article
Long-term variability ofMars' exosphere based on precise orbital analysis ofMars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey
Journal Article
Long-term variations in sunspot magnetic field-area relation
Journal Article
Long-term variations in the sunspot magnetic fields and bipole properties from 1918 to 2014
Journal Article
Long-term Variations of PMC brightness and occurence frequency: Are they caused by changes in atmospheric tides?
Journal Article
Long-Term Variations of Quasi-Trapped and Trapped Electrons in the Inner Radiation Belt Observed by DEMETER and SAMPEX
Journal Article
Long-term Variations of Venus's 365 nm Albedo Observed by Venus Express, Akatsuki, MESSENGER, and the Hubble Space Telescope
Journal Article
Long-Term Viability of Midsize Engineering Firms
Journal Article
Long-term voluntary wheel running is rewarding and produces plasticity in the mesolimbic reward pathway
Journal Article
Long-term, high-spatial resolution carbon balance monitoring of the Amazonian frontier: Predisturbance and postdisturbance carbon emissions and uptake
Journal Article
Long-term-average, solar cycle, and seasonal response of magnetospheric energetic electrons to the solar wind speed
Journal Article
Long-time asymptotics and the radiation condition with time-periodic boundary conditions for linear evolution equations on the half-line and experiment
Journal Article
Long-time dynamics of the modulational instability of deep water waves
Journal Article
Long-wavelength stagnant lid convection with hemispheric variation in lithospheric thickness: Link between Martian crustal dichotomy and Tharsis?
Journal Article
Long-wavelength topographic relaxation for self-gravitating planets and implications for the time-dependent compensation of surface topography
Journal Article
Longer growing seasons lead to less carbon sequestration by a subalpine forest
Journal Article
Journal Article
Longevity and progressive abandonment of the Rocky Flats surface, Front Range, Colorado
Journal Article
Longevity can buffer plant and animal populations against changing climatic variability.
Journal Article
Longevity genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans also mediate increased resistance to stress and prevent disease
Journal Article
Longitude structure of the ionosphere F region from TOPEX/Poseidon and ground-based data during January 20-30, 1993, including the quasi 2-day oscillation
Journal Article
Longitude variability of the solar semidiurnal tide in the lower thermosphere through assimilation of ground- and space-based wind measurements
Journal Article
Longitude variations of the solar semidiurnal tides in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere at low latitudes observed from ground and space
Journal Article
Longitude-dependent effects of fragmentation events in the geosynchronous orbit regime
Journal Article
Longitudinal analyses indicate bidirectional associations between loneliness and health
Journal Article
Longitudinal analysis of naturally acquired antibodies to PfEMP1 CIDR domain variants and their association with malaria protection
Journal Article
Longitudinal analysis of naturally acquired PfEMP1 CIDR domain variant antibodies identifies associations with malaria protection
Journal Article