The Gupta research group—known as the Laboratory of Interfaces, Flow and Electrokinetics (LIFE)—employs theoretical, numerical, and experimental methods to study transport phenomena in electrochemical, microfluidic, and biophysical systems. Their research aims to illuminate the underlying principles governing these systems, leading to advances in energy storage technologies, miniaturized lab-on-a-chip devices, and the development of next-generation autonomous materials. Our work has been covered in popular press in 150+ news outlets, including CNN, C&E News, The Daily Mail, Newsweek, and many others.
Soft Matter, Electrokinetics, Nanoemulsions, Energy Storage, Environmental Technologies, Material Design
CHEN 3200 - Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
Introduces fluid mechanics and momentum transfer, emphasizing the application of these principles to chemical engineering systems. Same as CVEN 3313 and MCEN 3021.
CHEN 5210 - Transport Phenomena
Primary Instructor
Spring 2021 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Spring 2024
Considers continuum mechanics, emphasizing fundamental relationships for fluid mechanics and heat and mass transfer and their applications to engineering problems. Department enforced prerequisites: undergraduate courses in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and differential equations.