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Publications in VIVO

Jennings, Anne

Research Associate


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research overview

  • Research interests include 1) Last Glacial Maximum through Holocene paleoceanography and sea-ice history of Greenland, Canadian Arctic Island Channels, and Baffin Bay; 2) glacial-marine sedimentation: stratigraphy, paleoenvironments, and glacial history on high latitude continental margins (East Greenland, West Greenland, Arctic Island Channels); 3) Modern foraminiferal distributions and ecology on high latitude marine margins. 4) Sub-ice shelf sedimentation and sub-ice shelf foraminifera; 5) Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea, Cenozoic, LGM and deglaciation history.


  • Greenland Ice Sheet history, Paleoceanography of high latitude continental margins, Role of ocean warming in past ice sheet behavior, foraminiferal analyses, ice berg rafting, ice sheet ocean interactions, sub ice-shelf environment, Foraminifera


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