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Alston, Eric Scholar In Residence
Barnard, Holly Rene Associate Dean of Research
Berggreen, Shu-Ling Chen Associate Professor
Campbell, Kimberly D Teaching Assistant Professor
Dupre, Jill VanMatre Professor of Engineering Practice
Ellis, Jay Associate Teaching Professor
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Gardner, Ryan Professor
Hoover, Stewart M Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Jacka, Jerry Keith Professor
Kirshner, Ben Professor
Lovejoy, Henry Barrett Associate Professor
McKenzie, Valerie J Professor
Mejia, Donna Associate Professor
Morton, Jade Professor and Helen & Hubert Croft Professor
Ochieng, Omedi Associate Professor
Okigbo, Austin Chinagorom Associate Professor
Regoli, Robert M Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Scanlan Lyons, Colleen M. Assoc Research Professor
Sriramesh, Krishnamurthy Professor
Strzepek, Kenneth Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Syvitski, Jaia Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Thomas, Evan Alexander Professor and Mortenson Chair
Vance, Eric Associate Professor
Willcutt, Erik G Professor
Yeh, Tom Associate Professor
Yulsman, Tom Professor