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Acevedo-Munoz, Ernesto R Professor
Billica, Nancy Associate Teaching Professor
Campbell, Kimberly D Teaching Assistant Professor
Dukic, Vanja Professor
Dupre, Jill VanMatre Professor of Engineering Practice
Espinosa, Joaquin Maximiliano Visiting Assoc Professor
Goode, Bradley M. Associate Professor
Gunther, John G Professor
Hannigan, Mike Professor
Harper, James Assistant Teaching Professor
Hoover, Stewart M Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Lee, Seow Ting Professor
Lladser, Manuel E. Associate Professor
Lovejoy, Henry Barrett Associate Professor
McNown, Lauri Sr Instructor Emerita/Emeritus
Mejia, Donna Associate Professor
Mensah, Maputo Ayuba Assistant Teaching Professor
Montoya, Lupita D Person
Norgaard, Rolf P Teaching Professor
Nyeck, S. N. Associate Professor
Nzinga, Kalonji Assistant Professor
Poskanzer, Ethan Assistant Professor
Regoli, Robert M Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Sowah, Nii Armah Associate Teaching Professor
Stafford, Gabrielle Marks Teaching Professor
Van Blerkom, Jonathan Research Professor
Vance, Eric Associate Professor
Wiedinmyer, Christine Research Professor
Wingo, Ajume Associate Professor