Validation of a new cavity ring-down spectrometer for measuring tropospheric gaseous hydrogen chloride Journal Article uri icon



  • Abstract. Reliable, sensitive, and widely available hydrogen chloride (HCl) measurements are important for understanding oxidation in many regions of the troposphere. We configured a commercial HCl cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS) for sampling HCl in the ambient atmosphere and developed calibration and validation techniques to characterize the measurement uncertainties. The CRDS makes fast, sensitive, and robust measurements of HCl in a high finesse optical cavity coupled to a laser centered at 5739 cm−1. The accuracy was determined to reside between 5–10 %, calculated from laboratory calibrations and an ambient air intercomparison with annular denuders. The precision and limit of detection (3σ) in the 0.5 Hz measurement were below 6 pptv and 18 pptv, respectively for a 30 second integration interval in zero air. The response time of this method is primarily characterized by fitting decay curves to a double exponential equation and is impacted by inlet adsorption/desorption, with these surface effects increasing with RH and decreasing with decreasing HCl mixing ratios. The response time for the tested inlet was 2–6 minutes under the most and least optimal conditions, respectively. An intercomparison with the EPA compendium method for quantification of acidic atmospheric gases showed good agreement, yielding a linear relationship statistically equivalent to unity (slope of 0.97 ± 0.15). The CRDS from this study can detect HCl at atmospherically relevant mixing ratios, often performing comparable or better in sensitivity, selectivity, and response-time from previously reported HCl detection methods.;

publication date

  • April 27, 2021

Date in CU Experts

  • June 9, 2021 9:52 AM

Full Author List

  • Furlani TC; Veres PR; Dawe KER; Neuman JA; Brown SS; VandenBoer TC; Young CJ

author count

  • 7

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