subject area of
- A migratory divide spanning two continents is associated with genomic and ecological divergence Journal Article
- An experimental analysis of the heritability of variation in glucocorticoid concentrations in a wild avian population Journal Article
- An experimental test of the effect of brood size on glucocorticoid responses, parental investment, and offspring phenotype Journal Article
- Day length, reproductive effort, and the avian latitudinal clutch size gradient Journal Article
- Demographic inference in barn swallows using whole-genome data shows signal for bottleneck and subspecies differentiation during the Holocene Journal Article
- Divergent sexual signals reflect costs of local parasites Journal Article
- Dynamic paternity allocation as a function of male plumage color in barn swallows Journal Article
- Evolutionary biology: Variation isn't always sexy Journal Article
- Expression of Multiple Sexual Signals by Fathers and Sons in the East-Mediterranean Barn Swallow: Are Advertising Strategies Heritable? Journal Article
- Females with Increased Costs Maintain Reproductive Output: A Field Experiment in a Common Songbird Journal Article
- Genome-wide differentiation in closely related populations: the roles of selection and geographic isolation. Journal Article
- Genomic variation across two barn swallow hybrid zones reveals traits associated with divergence in sympatry and allopatry Journal Article
- Lack of subspecies-recognition in breeding Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica transitiva) Journal Article
- Low Variation in the Polymorphic Clock Gene Poly-Q Region Despite Population Genetic Structure across Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) Populations Journal Article
- Multimodal signalling in the North American barn swallow: a phenotype network approach Journal Article
- Multiple Sexual Signals and Behavioral Reproductive Isolation in a Diverging Population Journal Article
- Performance of Encounternet Tags: Field Tests of Miniaturized Proximity Loggers for Use on Small Birds Journal Article
- Phenotypic differentiation is associated with divergent sexual selection among closely related barn swallow populations Journal Article
- Phylogeny and historical biogeography of the swallow family (Hirundinidae) inferred from comparisons of thousands of UCE loci Journal Article
- Phylogeny of the genus Hirundo and the Barn Swallow subspecies complex Journal Article
- Piecing together female extra-pair mate choice: females really do prefer more ornamented males Journal Article
- Population Genetics and Morphological Comparisons of Migratory European (Hirundo rustica rustica) and Sedentary East-Mediterranean (Hirundo rustica transitiva) Barn Swallows Journal Article
- Positive Carotenoid Balance Correlates with Greater Reproductive Performance in a Wild Bird Journal Article
- Sex-linked genetic diversity and differentiation in a globally distributed avian species complex Journal Article
- Sexual selection promotes reproductive isolation in barn swallows Journal Article
- Sexual signal exaggeration affects physiological state in male barn swallows Journal Article
- Signaling stress? An analysis of phaeomelanin-based plumage color and individual corticosterone levels at two temporal scales in North American barn swallows, Hirundo rustica erythrogaster Journal Article
- Solar-powered radio tags reveal patterns of post-fledging site visitation in adult and juvenile Tree Swallows Tachycineta bicolor Journal Article
- Stress and success: Individual differences in the glucocorticoid stress response predict behavior and reproductive success under high predation risk Journal Article
- Stress response, gut microbial diversity and sexual signals correlate with social interactions Journal Article
- The evidence for divergent sexual selection among closely related barn swallow populations is strong Journal Article
- The maintenance of phenotypic divergence through sexual selection: An experimental study in barn swallows Hirundo rustica Journal Article
- Wind and rain are the primary climate factors driving changing phenology of an aerial insectivore Journal Article