publication venue for
- Mesoscale wind patterns over the complex urban terrain around Stuttgart investigated with dual-Doppler lidar profile 2021
- Detection of structures in the horizontal wind field over complex terrain using coplanar Doppler lidar scans 2020
- Spatio-temporal Structure of the Boundary Layer under the Impact of Mountain Waves 2020
- Evaluation of a Wind Farm Parametrization for Mesoscale Atmospheric Flow Models with Aircraft Measurements 2018
- Upper-air observations from the German Atlantic Expedition (1925-27) and comparison with the Twentieth Century and ERA-20C reanalyses 2015
- Dry and moist convection in the boundary layer over the Black Forest - a combined analysis of in situ and remote sensing data (vol 22, pg 445, 2013) 2013
- KITcube - a mobile observation platform for convection studies deployed during HyMeX 2013
- Dry and moist convection in the boundary layer over the Black Forest - a combined analysis of in situ and remote sensing data 2013
- Extreme winds at northern mid-latitudes since 1871 2012
- Ozone highs and associated flow features in the first half of the twentieth century in different data sets 2012
- Changes in the flow of energy through the Earth's climate system 2009
- Abhängigkeit der Grenzen der Vorhersagbarkeit von der räumlichen Auflösung der Meßwerte, deren Ergebnisse als Anfangswerte für ein Vorhersagemodell genutzt werden 1993