publication venue for
- Testing invasion filters for the alpine: the roles of temperature, nitrogen deposition and soil 2020
- Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) distribution in the intermountain Western United States and its relationship to fire frequency, seasonality, and ignitions 2018
- Local differentiation in the defensive morphology of an invasive zooplankton species is not genetically based 2018
- Mapping of the Asian longhorned beetle's time to maturity and risk to invasion at contiguous United States extent 2017
- Discerning invasion history in an ephemerally connected system: landscape genetics of Procambarus clarkii in Ash Meadows, Nevada 2014
- Applying competition theory to invasion: resource impacts indicate invasion mechanisms in California shrublands 2014
- Investigating the dispersal routes used by an invasive amphibian, Lithobates catesbeianus, in human-dominated landscapes 2013
- Strong feeding preference of an exotic generalist herbivore for an exotic forb: a case of invasional antagonism 2010
- Distribution and community-level effects of the Chinese mystery snail (Bellamya chinensis) in northern Wisconsin lakes 2010
- The impact of invasion and subsequent removal of an exotic thistle, Cynara cardunculus, on CO2 and H2O vapor exchange in a coastal California grassland 2008
- Two invasive plants alter soil microbial community composition in serpentine grasslands 2006