publication venue for
- Dynamics and microphysics in small developing cumulus clouds 2024
- Modern and prospective technologies for weather modification activities: A first demonstration of integrating autonomous uncrewed aircraft systems 2023
- An improved GNSS tropospheric tomographic model with an extended region and combining virtual signals 2023
- Seasonal predictions of sea surface height in BCC-CSM1.1m and their modulation by tropical climate dominant modes 2023
- Estimation of diurnal-provided potential evapotranspiration using GNSS and meteorological products 2022
- Diurnally varying background error covariances estimated in RMAPS-ST and their impacts on operational implementations 2021
- Improving middle and high latitude cloud liquid water path measurements from MODIS 2020
- The impact of optimal selected historical forecasting samples on hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation 2020
- Assessing the sensitivity of land-atmosphere coupling strength to boundary and surface layer parameters in the WRF model over Amazon 2020
- High ice concentration observed in tropical maritime stratiform mixed-phase clouds with top temperatures warmer than-8 °C 2020
- A modelling study of the continuous ice formation in an autumnal Arctic mixed-phase cloud case 2019
- Improving WRF model turbine-height wind-speed forecasting using a surrogate- based automatic optimization method 2019
- The evaluation of EnVar method including hydrometeors analysis variables for assimilating cloud liquid/ice water path on prediction of rainfall events 2019
- On the freezing time of supercooled drops in developing convective clouds over tropical ocean 2018
- A new narrow-beam, multi-frequency, scanning radiometer and its application to in-flight icing detection 2017
- A multi-sensor study of the impact of ground-based glaciogenic seeding on clouds and precipitation over mountains in Wyoming. Part II: Seeding impact analysis 2017
- Observation of the spectrally invariant properties of clouds in cloudy-to-clear transition zones during the MAGIC field campaign 2016
- Spatial scales of altocumulus clouds observed with collocated CALIPSO and CloudSat measurements 2014
- Ion chemistry for atmospheric size-segregated aerosol and depositions at an offshore site of Yangtze River Delta region, China 2014
- The impact of ground-based glaciogenic seeding on clouds and precipitation over mountains: A multi-sensor case study of shallow precipitating orographic cumuli 2014
- Examining the correlations between drop size distribution parameters using data from two side-by-side 2D-video disdrometers 2014
- Climatology of aerosol radiative properties in the free troposphere 2011
- Airborne instruments to measure atmospheric aerosol particles, clouds and radiation: A cook's tour of mature and emerging technology 2011
- Modeling of the cloud and radiation processes observed during SHEBA 2011
- The impact of soil moisture inhomogeneities on the modification of a mesoscale convective system: An idealised model study 2011
- Role of land surface parameterizations on modeling cold-pooling events and low-level jets 2011
- Model representation of boundary-layer convergence triggering deep convection over complex terrain: A case study from COPS 2010
- Assessment of the WRF model in reproducing a flash-flood heavy rainfall event over Korea 2009
- The impact of convergence zones on the initiation of deep convection: A case study from COPS 2009
- Downburst-producing thunderstorms in southern Germany: Radar analysis and predictability 2009
- Relevance of ion-induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water in the lower troposphere over the boreal forest at northern latitudes 2008
- On the influence of surface heterogeneity on latent heat fluxes and stratus properties 2000
- The influence of chemical heterogeneity among cloud drop populations on processing of chemical species in winter clouds 1999
- Discrimination of ice from water in clouds by optical remote sensing 1987
- Ice nucleation through immersion freezing in mixed-phase stratiform clouds: Theory and numerical simulations 2008
- A global view of air-sea thermal coupling and related non-Gaussian SST variability 2007
- Organic compounds in radiation fogs in Davis (California) 2001