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Mendoza, Adelita D.

Assistant Professor



research overview

  • Mendoza lab research focuses on understanding how cells sense and respond to perturbations in zinc homeostasis. Cells engage in sensing and transcriptional responses to compensate for perturbations of cytosolic zinc. In addition to these activities, lysosomes participate in this response, and do so by housing zinc transporters that engage in zinc storage and release. We focus on two aspects of how cells respond to zinc dyshomeostasis. 1) By defining how lysosomal morphological changes facilitates its role in zinc homeostasis in C. elegans and human models, and 2) by uncovering the regulatory factors involved in the transcriptional response to zinc deficiency in C. elegans and human models. Our approaches are multi-disciplinary and involve the use of advanced microscopy tools such as super-resolution imaging and electron microscopy, as well as genetics, X-Ray physics, and biochemical approaches. Our studies will provide insight into the importance of responding to zinc homeostsais, the downstream effects that occur, and the effect on human health.


  • zinc homeostasis, lysosomes, C. elegans, zinc transporters


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