I have two connected streams of research. First, I am interested in the impact of technology on financial markets. My research lies at the intersection of big data technologies, technological adoption, and privacy protection. More broadly, I am interested in better understanding how the consumption of information by market participants through different information technologies, and related regulatory constraints, impacts decision making and drives economic outcomes in capital markets and the economy more broadly. Second, I am interested in better understanding the asset management industry. In my research I lever tools from natural language processing to gather novel information about the industrial organization of the asset management industry, its offering to investors, and the intentions behind observed investment behaviors (investment strategies).
FNCE 3030 - Investment and Portfolio Management
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
Develops modern portfolio theory and applies it to pricing both individual assets and portfolios of assets. Topics include Markowitz portfolio selection model, capital asset pricing model, arbitrage pricing theory, bonds, portfolio performance measurement, and issues of market efficiency. Formerly FNCE 4030. Degree credit not granted for this course and FNCE 3035.