Business Analytics, Data Visualization, Database Design, Data Management, Programming and Artificial Intelligence
courses taught
BAIM 3100 - Data Visualization
Primary Instructor
Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
Data, no matter whether it is BIG or small, is not just for researchers or analysts any more. Everyone needs to be comfortable with it. One of the easiest ways to do that is thru data visualization. In this course, you will be introduced to basic data concepts, types, and uses. And you will learn to explore, summarize, and analyze the data using various data visualization techniques and best practices with Tableau Software.
BAIM 3205 - Business Data Management
Primary Instructor
Fall 2024
Emphasizes the fundamentals of modern database design in the context of large-scale applications. Covers analysis phase activities such as data modeling for requirements analysis. Covers the extended entity relationship model and the semantic data model in-depth. Covers design phase activities such as the normalization criteria of the relational model and transformation from conceptual to physical design. Introduces object oriented databases. Formerly MGMT 4205.
BAIM 3220 - Introduction to Python Programming
Primary Instructor
Fall 2022 / Spring 2024
Python has emerged as the key programming language for data science and business analytics. Helps students understand the programming mindset though use of open source software and libraries and introduces students to object oriented programming. Formerly MGMT 3220.
BAIM 4120 - Business Analytics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023 / Summer 2023 / Spring 2024
Teaches cutting-edge tools and approaches to the analysis of data, including "big data" for effective decision-making. The class creates data connoisseurs through hands-on exposure to exploratory and predictive analytics. Application areas covered include Web Marketing, the Internet of Things, Biometric Monitoring, as well as data integration and analysis for online marketing, human resources and operations. Formerly BAIM 3200. Degree credit not granted for this course and MGMT 3201 or MKTG 3201.
BCOR 2205 - Introduction to Information Management and Analytics
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Focuses on the fundamentals of managing information in a data driven business environment. Students will learn the basic concepts and best practices in Information Management that can improve their abilities to lead and manage in organizations. The class teaches cutting-edge tools and approaches to the analysis of data, including "big data," for effective decision-making.It creates data connoisseurs through hands-on exposure to supervised machine learning. Application areas covered include human resources, marketing, finance, and supply chain. At the end of class, all students should be able to formulate common business problems in terms addressable through machine learning, and use automated machine learning tools to conduct the analysis and present deep insights to business leaders. Course requirements: clickers. Credit not granted for this course and BCOR 2500.
MKTG 3201 - Business Analytics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
Teaches cutting-edge tools and approaches to the analysis of data, including "big data" for effective decision-making. Creates data connoisseurs through hands-on exposure to exploratory and predictive analytics. Application areas covered include Web Marketing, the Internet of Things, Biometric Monitoring, as well as data integration and analysis for online marketing, human resources and operations. Same as MGMT 3201. Degree credit not granted for this course and BAIM 4120.