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Publications in VIVO

Campbell, D. Ashley



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Campbell's research examines religion and media as co-constitutive aspects of world building in that they inform how people believe, behave, and produce/consume information. Her research agenda studies media and/as religion in three areas: 1) religion, politics, and the nation; 2) media, religion, and the disaffiliated; 3) the relationship between journalism, secularity, and representations of religion. She uses qualitative analyses with an emphasis on ethnographic interviewing, archival investigation, and textual analysis. Currently, she studies the embodied impact on civic engagement of narrative unity in discourses on the United States, its people, and its values. She is also a podcaster on religion and a freelance writer with articles in The Washington Post and Religion Dispatches. Most recently, she has consulted on communication strategies for non-profits addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion. She also works for CU in the Office of Faculty Affairs on scholarly impact.


  • US Religions, national imaginaries, national narratives, digital media, media narratives, media and religion, digital religion, American civil religion, storied identities, belonging, affect theory



courses taught

  • MDST 4371 - Media and Religion
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022 / Spring 2023
    Examines the way religion uses media as a social and political force. Introduces the major themes and trends in the mediation of religion and the religious inflection of the media in professional, popular, and emerging media contexts.
