selected publications
- Composite Atmospheric Profiling. 1281-1304. 2021
conference proceeding
- Overview and first results of the Wind and Storms Experiment (WASTEX): a field campaign to observe the formation of gusts using a Doppler lidar. Advances in Science and Research. 91-97. 2017
journal article
- Improving solution availability and temporal consistency of an optimal-estimation physical retrieval for ground-based thermodynamic boundary layer profiling. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 6603-6624. 2024
- Evaluation of Hub-Height Wind Forecasts Over the New York Bight. Wind Energy. 1063-1073. 2024
- Sensitivity of thermodynamic profiles retrieved from ground-based microwave and infrared observations to additional input data from active remote sensing instruments and numerical weather prediction models. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 3933-3948. 2024
- Low-Level Liquid-Bearing Clouds Contribute to Seasonal Lower Atmosphere Stability and Surface Energy Forcing over a High-Mountain Watershed Environment. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 827-845. 2024
- Exploring the daytime boundary layer evolution based on Doppler spectrum width from multiple coplanar wind lidars during CROSSINN. Weather and Climate Dynamics. 609-631. 2024
- Sensitivity of thermodynamic profiles retrieved from ground-based microwave and infrared observations to additional input data from active remote sensing instruments and numerical weather prediction models 2024
- Measurements and Model Improvement: Insight into NWP Model Error Using Doppler Lidar and Other WØ2 Measurement Systems. Monthly Weather Review. 3063-3087. 2023
- Supporting Advancement in Weather and Water Prediction in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. E1853-E1874. 2023
- Impact of Seasonal Snow-Cover Change on the Observed and Simulated State of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in a High-Altitude Mountain Valley. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2023
- Evaluation of a cloudy cold-air pool in the Columbia River basin in different versions of the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model. Geoscientific Model Development. 597-619. 2023
- Passive remote sensing of the atmospheric boundary layer in Colorado's East River Valley during the seasonal change from snow-free to snow-covered ground 2023
- Evaluation of a cloudy cold-air pool in the Columbia River Basin in different versions of the HRRR model 2022
- Improved Representation of Horizontal Variability and Turbulence in Mesoscale Simulations of an Extended Cold-Air Pool Event. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 685-707. 2022
- Evaluating convective planetary boundary layer height estimations resolved by both active and passive remote sensing instruments during the CHEESEHEAD19 field campaign. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2479-2502. 2022
- A meteorological dataset of the West African monsoon during the 2016 DACCIWA campaign. Scientific Data. 2022
- Investigating the Impacts of Daytime Boundary Layer Clouds on Surface Energy Fluxes and Boundary Layer Structure During CHEESEHEAD19. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2022
- Improving thermodynamic profile retrievals from microwave radiometers by including radio acoustic sounding system (RASS) observations. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 521-537. 2022
- Evaluating daytime planetary boundary-layer height estimations resolved by both active and passive remote sensing instruments during the CHEESEHEAD19 field campaign. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2021
- Supplementary material to "Evaluating daytime planetary boundary-layer height estimations resolved by both active and passive remote sensing instruments during the CHEESEHEAD19 field campaign" 2021
- Nocturnal atmospheric conditions and their impact on air pollutant concentrations in the city of Stuttgart. Meteorological Applications. 2021
- Cross-valley vortices in the Inn valley, Austria: Structure, evolution and governing force imbalances. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 3835-3861. 2021
- Observational Case Study of a Persistent Cold Pool and Gap Flow in the Columbia River Basin. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 1071-1090. 2021
- Breakup of nocturnal low-level stratiform clouds during the southern West African monsoon season 2021
- Breakup of nocturnal low-level stratiform clouds during the southern West African monsoon season. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2027-2051. 2021
- Improving thermodynamic profile retrievals from microwave ; radiometers by including Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) ; observations 2021
- CROSSINN: A Field Experiment to Study the Three-Dimensional Flow Structure in the Inn Valley, Austria. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. E38-E60. 2021
- Mesoscale wind patterns over the complex urban terrain around Stuttgart investigated with dual-Doppler lidar profile. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 185-200. 2021
- Short comment on ‘The Alaiz Experiment: untangling multi-scale stratified flows over complex terrain’ by Santos et al. 2020 2020
- The vertical variability of black carbon observed in the atmospheric boundary layer during DACCIWA. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 7911-7928. 2020
- Breakup of nocturnal low-level stratiform clouds during southern West African Monsoon Season 2020
- High-resolution fully coupled atmospheric-hydrological modeling: a cross-compartment regional water and energy cycle evaluation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2457-2481. 2020
- High-resolution fully-coupled atmospheric–hydrological modeling: a cross-compartment regional water and energy cycle evaluation 2020
- The diurnal stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition over land in southern West Africa. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2735-2754. 2020
- Conceptual model of diurnal cycle of low-level stratiform clouds over southern West Africa. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2263-2275. 2020
- Detection of structures in the horizontal wind field over complex terrain using coplanar Doppler lidar scans. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 467-481. 2020
- Formation of Wind Gusts in an Extratropical Cyclone in Light of Doppler Lidar Observations and Large-Eddy Simulations. Monthly Weather Review. 353-375. 2020
- Spatio-temporal Structure of the Boundary Layer under the Impact of Mountain Waves. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 409-424. 2020
- Probing the Fog Life Cycles in the Namib Desert. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2491-2507. 2019
- What controls the formation of nocturnal low-level stratus clouds over southern West Africa during the monsoon season?. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 13489-13506. 2019
- Flow Separation in the Lee of a Crater Rim. Boundary-Layer Meteorology: an international journal of physical and biological processes in the atmospheric boundary layer. 263-287. 2019
- High-resolution fully-coupled atmospheric–hydrological modeling: a; cross-compartment regional water and energy cycle evaluation 2019
- Supplementary material to "High-resolution fully-coupled atmospheric–hydrological modeling: a; cross-compartment regional water and energy cycle evaluation" 2019
- The diurnal stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition over land 2019
- Low-level stratiform clouds and dynamical features observed within the southern West African monsoon. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 8979-8997. 2019
- Conceptual model of diurnal cycle of stratiform low-level clouds over southern West Africa 2019
- Comparison of Convective Boundary Layer Characteristics from Aircraft and Wind Lidar Observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 1381-1399. 2019
- What controls the formation of nocturnal low-level stratus clouds; over southern West Africa during the monsoon season? 2019
- A versatile platform strain for high-fidelity multiplex genome editing. Nucleic Acids Research. 3244-3256. 2019
- The observed diurnal cycle of low-level stratus clouds over southern West Africa: a case study. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 1281-1299. 2019
- Nocturnal low-level clouds in the atmospheric boundary layer over southern West Africa: an observation-based analysis of conditions and processes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 663-681. 2019
- Low Level Cloud and Dynamical Features within the Southern West African Monsoon 2018
- High-Resolution Observations of Transport and Exchange Processes in Mountainous Terrain. Atmosphere. 2018
- Nocturnal low-level clouds in the atmospheric boundary layer over; southern West Africa: an observation-based analysis of conditions; and processes 2018
- The observed diurnal cycle of nocturnal low-level stratus clouds; over southern West Africa: a case study 2018
- Numerical simulations of aerosol radiative effects and their impact on clouds and atmospheric dynamics over southern West Africa. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9767-9788. 2018
- The Nocturnal Evolution of Atmospheric Structure in a Basin as a Larger-Scale Katabatic Flow Is Lifted over Its Rim. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 969-989. 2018
- An overview of the diurnal cycle of the atmospheric boundary layer during the West African monsoon season: results from the 2016 observational campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2913-2928. 2018
- Exchange Processes in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Over Mountainous Terrain. Atmosphere. 2018
- Moist Orographic Convection: Physical Mechanisms and Links to Surface-Exchange Processes. Atmosphere. 2018
- Cloud and aerosol radiative effects as key players for anthropogenic; changes in atmospheric dynamics over southernWest Africa 2018
- Katabatically Driven Cold Air Intrusions into a Basin Atmosphere. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 435-455. 2018
- An overview of the diurnal cycle of the atmospheric boundary layer during the West African monsoon season: Results from the 2016 observational campaign 2017
- THE SCALEX CAMPAIGN Scale-Crossing Land Surface and Boundary Layer Processes in the TERENO-preAlpine Observatory. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 1217-1234. 2017
- Nocturnal low-level clouds over southern West Africa analysed using high-resolution simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 899-910. 2017
- The life cycle of nocturnal low-level clouds over southern West; Africa analysed using high-resolution simulations 2016
- The role of Corsica in initiating nocturnal offshore convection. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 222-237. 2016
- The variability of water vapour and pre-convective conditions over the mountainous island of Corsica. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 335-346. 2016
- The Impact of Upstream Flow on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in a Valley on a Mountainous Island. Boundary-Layer Meteorology: an international journal of physical and biological processes in the atmospheric boundary layer. 429-452. 2016
- THE METCRAX II FIELD EXPERIMENT A Study of Downslope Windstorm-Type Flows in Arizona's Meteor Crater. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2016
- Multi-scale Transport Processes Observed in the Boundary Layer over a Mountainous Island. Boundary-Layer Meteorology: an international journal of physical and biological processes in the atmospheric boundary layer. 515-537. 2014
- Dry and moist convection in the boundary layer over the Black Forest - a combined analysis of in situ and remote sensing data (vol 22, pg 445, 2013). Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 787-788. 2013
- KITcube - a mobile observation platform for convection studies deployed during HyMeX. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 633-647. 2013
- Dry and moist convection in the boundary layer over the Black Forest - a combined analysis of in situ and remote sensing data. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 445-461. 2013
- Warm-Air Intrusions in Arizona's Meteor Crater. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 1010-1025. 2012
- The impact of soil moisture inhomogeneities on the modification of a mesoscale convective system: An idealised model study. Atmospheric Research. 354-372. 2011
- Initiation of deep convection caused by land-surface inhomogeneities in West Africa: a modelled case study. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 15-27. 2011
- The dependence of convection-related parameters on surface and boundary-layer conditions over complex terrain. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 70-80. 2011
- Model representation of boundary-layer convergence triggering deep convection over complex terrain: A case study from COPS. Atmospheric Research. 172-185. 2010
- The impact of convergence zones on the initiation of deep convection: A case study from COPS. Atmospheric Research. 680-694. 2009