selected publications
- Sunflower. 433-457. 2014
journal article
- Environment, plant genetics, and their interaction shape important aspects of sunflower rhizosphere microbial communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2024
- Precision, quantitative measurement of sunflower capitulum inclination: A trigonometry-based approach. Agronomy Journal. 2783-2790. 2024
- Canopy closure, yield, and quality under heterogeneous plant spacing in sunflower. Agronomy Journal. 2275-2283. 2024
- Association studies of salinity tolerance in sunflower provide robust breeding and selection strategies under climate change. Theoretical and Applied Genetics: international journal of plant breeding research. 2024
- Efficacy of red sunflower seed weevil resistance from inbred line cms HA 488 in single-cross hybrids. Agronomy Journal. 2081-2084. 2024
- Survival analysis of freezing stress in the North American native perennial flax, Linum lewisii. AOB Plants. 2024
- Heritable differences in abundance of bacterial rhizosphere taxa are correlated with fungal necrotrophic pathogen resistance. Molecular Ecology. 2024
- First steps toward developing Lewis flax (Linum lewisii Pursh) as an agronomic crop. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 2023
- Pollen quantity, but not grain size, is correlated with floret size in cultivated sunflower, Helianthus annuus L.. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization. 269-273. 2023
- Assessment of biogeographic variation in traits of Lewis flax (Linum lewisii) for use in restoration and agriculture. AOB Plants. 2022
- Breeding for sustainable oilseed crop yield and quality in a changing climate. Theoretical and Applied Genetics: international journal of plant breeding research. 1817-1827. 2021
- Genetic loci underlying quantitative resistance to necrotrophic pathogens Sclerotinia and Diaporthe (Phomopsis), and correlated resistance to both pathogens. Theoretical and Applied Genetics: international journal of plant breeding research. 249-259. 2021
- Determination of Virulence Phenotypes of Plasmopara halstedii in the United States. Plant Disease: an international journal of applied plant pathology. 2823-2831. 2020
- Mating compatibility and fertility studies in an herbaceous perennial Aster undergoing de novo domestication to enhance agroecosystems. Agronomy for Sustainable Development: sciences des productions vegetales et de l'environnement. 2020
- Registration of oilseed sunflower maintainer germplasm HA 488, with resistance to the red sunflower seed weevil. Journal of Plant Registrations. 203-205. 2020
- Registration of oilseed sunflower maintainer germplasm HA 489 with resistance to the banded sunflower moth. Journal of Plant Registrations. 197-202. 2020
- Capitate Glandular Trichomes Fail to Provide Significant Resistance to Banded Sunflower Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Environmental Entomology. 444-448. 2020
- Gene banks for wild and cultivated sunflower genetic resourcesā. Oleagineux Corps Gras Lipides. 2020
- Pest potential of Neotephritis finalis (Loew) on Silphium integrifolium Michx., Silphium perfoliatum L., and interspecific hybrids. Agronomy Journal. 1462-1465. 2020
- Seed and floret size parameters of sunflower are determined by partially overlapping sets of quantitative trait loci with epistatic interactions. Molecular Genetics and Genomics: an international journal. 143-154. 2020
- Assessment of the biogeographical variation of seed size and seed oil traits in wild Silphium integrifolium Michx. genotypes. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization. 427-436. 2019
- Registration of Oilseed Sunflower Germplasms HA 482, RHA 483, and RHA 484 Selected for Resistance to Sclerotinia and Phomopsis Diseases. Journal of Plant Registrations. 450-454. 2019
- Registration of Oilseed Sunflower Germplasms RHA 478, RHA 479, RHA 480, and HA 481 Providing Diversity in Resistance to Necrotrophic Pathogens of Sunflower. Journal of Plant Registrations. 444-449. 2019
- Registration of Oilseed Sunflower Germplasms RHA 485, RHA 486, and HA 487, Selected for Resistance to Phomopsis Stalk Canker and Sclerotinia, in a High-Yielding and High-Oil Background. Journal of Plant Registrations. 439-443. 2019
- Registration of Sunflower Genetic Stocks TOCO B1, TOCO R1, and TOCO R2 with High Gamma- and Delta-Tocopherol and Altered Fatty Acid Composition in the Seed Oil. Journal of Plant Registrations. 465-468. 2019
- Genetic and phenotypic analyses indicate that resistance to flooding stress is uncoupled from performance in cultivated sunflower. New Phytologist. 1657-1670. 2019
- Phomopsis stem canker of sunflower in North America: correlation with climate and solutions through breeding and management. Oleagineux Corps Gras Lipides. 2019
- Linkage Mapping and Genome-Wide Association Studies of the Rf Gene Cluster in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and Their Distribution in World Sunflower Collections. Frontiers in Genetics. 2019
- Two contrasting laboratory methods improve Silphium integrifolium Michx. germination rate to agronomically acceptable levels. Euphytica: international journal on plant breeding. 2018
- Using Nectar-Related Traits to Enhance Crop-Pollinator Interactions. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018
- Genetic Architecture of Capitate Glandular Trichome Densityin Florets of Domesticated Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018
- Registration of Oilseed Sunflower Germplasms RHA 461, RHA 462, RHA 463, HA 465, HA 466, HA 467, and RHA 468 with Diversity in Sclerotinia Resistance, Yield, and Other Traits. Journal of Plant Registrations. 142-147. 2018
- Registration of Oilseed Sunflower Restorer Germplasms RHA 476 and RHA 477, Adapted for Short Season Environments. Journal of Plant Registrations. 148-151. 2018
- Plant-Herbivore and Plant-Pollinator Interactions of the Developing Perennial Oilseed Crop, Silphium integrifolium. Environmental Entomology. 1339-1345. 2017
- Development and dissection of diagnostic SNP markers for the downy mildew resistance genes Pl Arg and Pl 8 and maker-assisted gene pyramiding in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Molecular Genetics and Genomics: an international journal. 551-563. 2017
- Accelerating Silphium Domestication: An Opportunity to Develop New Crop Ideotypes and Breeding Strategies Informed by Multiple Disciplines. Crop Science: a journal serving the international community of crop scientists. 1274-1284. 2017
- Registration of Sunflower Oilseed Maintainer Genetic Stocks HOLS1, HOLS2, HOLS3, and HOLS4 Possessing Genes for High Oleic and Low Saturated Fatty Acids and Tolerance to Imidazolinone Herbicides. Journal of Plant Registrations. 200-203. 2017
- Relative susceptibility of sunflower maintainer lines and resistance sources to natural infestations of the banded sunflower moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canadian Entomologist. 736-741. 2016
- A Pipeline Strategy for Grain Crop Domestication. Crop Science: a journal serving the international community of crop scientists. 917-930. 2016
- A Unified Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Map of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Derived from Current Genomic Resources. Crop Science: a journal serving the international community of crop scientists. 1696-1702. 2015
- Registration of the Oilseed Restorer Sunflower Germplasms RHA 472, RHA 473, RHA 474, and RHA 475, Possessing Resistance to Sclerotinia Head Rot. Journal of Plant Registrations. 232-238. 2015
- Relocation of a rust resistance gene R (2) and its marker-assisted gene pyramiding in confection sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics: international journal of plant breeding research. 477-488. 2015
- Registration of Two Confection Sunflower Germplasm Lines, HA-R10 and HA-R11, Resistant to Sunflower Rust. Journal of Plant Registrations. 329-333. 2014
- A High-Density SNP Map of Sunflower Derived from RAD-Sequencing Facilitating Fine-Mapping of the Rust Resistance Gene R12. PLoS One. 2014
- Pericarp strength of sunflower and its value for plant defense against the sunflower moth, Homoeosoma electellum. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 101-107. 2014
- Sources of Resistance to Sunflower Diseases in a Global Collection of Domesticated USDA Plant Introductions. Crop Science: a journal serving the international community of crop scientists. 694-705. 2014
- Ovipositional Preference and Larval Performance of the Banded Sunflower Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and Its Larval Parasitoids on Resistant and Susceptible Lines of Sunflower (Asterales: Asteraceae). Environmental Entomology. 58-68. 2014
- Candidate gene association mapping of Sclerotinia stalk rot resistance in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) uncovers the importance of COI1 homologs. Theoretical and Applied Genetics: international journal of plant breeding research. 193-209. 2014
- Evaluating an interspecific Helianthus annuus x Helianthus tuberosus population for use in a perennial sunflower breeding program. Field Crops Research. 254-264. 2014
- Genetic mapping of rust resistance genes in confection sunflower line HA-R6 and oilseed line RHA 397. Theoretical and Applied Genetics: international journal of plant breeding research. 2039-2049. 2013
- Molecular tagging of a novel rust resistance gene R (12) in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics: international journal of plant breeding research. 93-99. 2013
- Association of Freezing Tolerance to LpCBFIIIb and LpCBFIIIc Gene Polymorphism in Perennial Ryegrass Accessions. Crop Science: a journal serving the international community of crop scientists. 2023-2029. 2012
- Breaking Tuber Dormancy in Helianthus tuberosus L. and Interspecific Hybrids of Helianthus annuus L. x Helianthus tuberosus. Hortscience. 1342-1346. 2012
- Chromosome location, DNA markers and rust resistance of the sunflower gene R-5. Molecular Breeding: new strategies in plant improvement. 745-756. 2012
- Molecular mapping of the rust resistance gene R-4 to a large NBS-LRR cluster on linkage group 13 of sunflower. Theoretical and Applied Genetics: international journal of plant breeding research. 351-358. 2011
- Identification of Resistance to New Virulent Races of Rust in Sunflowers and Validation of DNA Markers in the Gene Pool. Phytopathology: International Journal of the American Phytopathological Society. 241-249. 2011
- Perennial Questions of Hydrology and Climate Response. Science. 33-34. 2010
- Registration of the Restorer Oilseed Sunflower Germplasm RHA 464 Possessing Genes for Resistance to Downy Mildew and Sunflower Rust. Journal of Plant Registrations. 249-254. 2010
- Increased Food and Ecosystem Security via Perennial Grains. Science. 1638-1639. 2010
- Registration of the Oilseed Sunflower Genetic Stocks HA 458, HA 459, and HA 460 Possessing Genes for Resistance to Downy Mildew. Journal of Plant Registrations. 93-97. 2010
- Resistance in Cultivated Sunflower Germplasm to the Red Sunflower Seed Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the Northern Great Plains. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 51-57. 2010
- Evaluation of Remote Sensing to Measure Plant Stress in Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) Fairways. Crop Science: a journal serving the international community of crop scientists. 2261-2274. 2009
- Resistance in Cultivated Sunflower to the Sunflower Moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of agricultural and urban entomology/ South Carolina Entomological Society. 245-257. 2008
- Freezing tolerance of selected perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) accessions and its association with field winterhardiness and turf traits. Euphytica: international journal on plant breeding. 131-141. 2008
- Sample size and heterogeneity effects on the analysis of whole soybean seed using near infrared spectroscopy. Agronomy Journal. 231-234. 2008
- Winterhardiness and turf quality of accessions of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) from public collections. Crop Science: a journal serving the international community of crop scientists. 1596-1602. 2007
- Agronomic and seed characteristics of soybean with reduced phytate and palmitate. Crop Science: a journal serving the international community of crop scientists. 2027-2031. 2004