selected publications
conference proceeding
journal article
- Empirical Model of Equatorial ElectroJet (EEJ) Using Long-Term Observations From the Indian Sector. Space Weather. 2024
- MagNet-A Data-Science Competition to Predict Disturbance Storm-Time Index (Dst) From Solar Wind Data. Space Weather. 2023
- A Proper Use of the Adjacent Land-Based Observatory Magnetic Field Data to Account for the Geomagnetic Disturbances During Offshore Directional Drilling. Space Weather. 2022
- Magnetic Signatures of the 15 January 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption. Geophysical Research Letters. 2022
- Can seafloor voltage cables be used to study large-scale circulation? An investigation in the Pacific Ocean. Ocean Science. 383-392. 2021
- Evaluation of candidate models for the 13th generation International Geomagnetic Reference Field. Earth, Planets and Space. 2021
- International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the thirteenth generation. Earth, Planets and Space. 2021
- NOAA/NCEI and University of Colorado candidate models for IGRF-13. Earth, Planets and Space. 2021
- A Comparison of Model-Based Ionospheric and Ocean Tidal Magnetic Signals With Observatory Data. Geophysical Research Letters. 7257-7267. 2018
- Time-Frequency Characteristics of Tsunami Magnetic Signals from Four Pacific Ocean Events. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 3935-3953. 2016
- Satellite tidal magnetic signals constrain oceanic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary. Science Advances. 2016
- Evaluation of candidate geomagnetic field models for IGRF-12. Earth, Planets and Space. 2015
- International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the 12th generation. Earth, Planets and Space. 2015
- NOAA/NGDC candidate models for the 12th generation International Geomagnetic Reference Field. Earth, Planets and Space. 1-9. 2015
- Reproducing electric field observations during magnetic storms by means of rigorous 3-D modelling and distortion matrix co-estimation. Earth, Planets and Space. 2014
- Tidal signals in ocean-bottom magnetic measurements of the Northwestern Pacific: observation versus prediction. Geophysical Journal International. 1096-1110. 2014
- Long-period prompt-penetration electric fields derived from CHAMP satellite magnetic measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 5919-5930. 2013
- The complete spectrum of the equatorial electrojet related to solar tides: CHAMP observations. Annales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences. 1315-1331. 2013
- A real-time forecast service for the ionospheric equatorial zonal electric field. Space Weather. 2012
- Deep electrical signatures across the Achankovil shear zone, Southern Granulite Terrain inferred from magnetotellurics. Gondwana Research. 405-426. 2011
- International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the eleventh generation. Geophysical Journal International. 1216-1230. 2010
- Can undersea voltage measurements detect tsunamis?. Earth, Planets and Space. 353-358. 2010
- NOAA/NGDC candidate models for the 11th generation International Geomagnetic Reference Field and the concurrent release of the 6th generation Pomme magnetic model. Earth, Planets and Space. 729-735. 2010
- Co-seismic EM signals in magnetotelluric measurement-a case study during Bhuj earthquake (26th January 2001), India. Earth, Planets and Space. 973-981. 2009