selected publications conference proceeding Broadening the atmospheric bridge paradigm: ENSO teleconnections to the tropical west Pacific-Indian oceans over the seasonal cycle and to the north Pacific in summer. Geophysical Monograph. 85-103. 2002 Winter-to-winter recurrence of sea surface temperature, salinity and mixed layer depth anomalies. Progress in Oceanography. 41-61. 2000 journal article Future Changes in the Intensity and Duration of Marine Heat and Cold Waves: Insights from Coupled Model Initial-Condition Large Ensembles. Journal of Climate. 1877-1902. 2024 Building use-inspired species distribution models: Using multiple data types to examine and improve model performance. Ecological Applications. 2023 A survey of coastal conditions around the continental US using a high-resolution ocean reanalysis. Progress in Oceanography. 2023 Widespread habitat loss and redistribution of marine top predators in a changing ocean. Science Advances. 2023 Bottom marine heatwaves along the continental shelves of North America. Nature Communications. 2023 An evaluation of high-resolution ocean reanalyses in the California current system. Progress in Oceanography. 2023 Changes in extreme integrated water vapor transport on the US west coast in NA-CORDEX, and relationship to mountain and inland precipitation. Climate Dynamics. 973-995. 2022 Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Forecast Skill in the California Current System and Its Connection to Coastal Kelvin Waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2022 A Review of River Herring Science in Support of Species Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration. AFS Transactions. 627-664. 2021 Climate impacts on the Gulf of Maine ecosystem: A review of observed and expected changes in 2050 from rising temperatures. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 2021 The role of Ekman ocean heat transport in the Northern Hemisphere response to ENSO (vol 21, pg 5688, 2008). Journal of Climate. 5151-5151. 2021 Projecting ocean acidification impacts for the Gulf of Maine to 2050: New tools and expectations. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 2021 Projections of physical conditions in the Gulf of Maine in 2050. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 2021 Cool season precipitation projections for California and the Western United States in NA-CORDEX models. Climate Dynamics. 3081-3102. 2021 Thermal displacement by marine heatwaves. Nature. 82-+. 2020 Comparing and synthesizing quantitative distribution models and qualitative vulnerability assessments to project marine species distributions under climate change. PLoS One. 2020 The Response of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean to Climate Change. Journal of Climate. 405-428. 2020 Challenges to natural and human communities from surprising ocean temperatures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. 18378-18383. 2019 Climate vulnerability and resilience in the most valuable North American fishery. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. 1831-1836. 2018 Response of O2 and pH to ENSO in the California Current System in a high-resolution global climate model. Ocean Science. 69-86. 2018 Projected sea surface temperatures over the 21st century: Changes in the mean, variability and extremes for large marine ecosystem regions of Northern Oceans. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 2018 FORCING OF MULTIYEAR EXTREME OCEAN TEMPERATURES THAT IMPACTED CALIFORNIA CURRENT LIVING MARINE RESOURCES IN 2016. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. S27-S33. 2018 The Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Revisited. Journal of Climate. 4399-4427. 2016 Response to Comments on "Slow adaptation in the face of rapid warming leads to collapse of the Gulf of Maine cod fishery". Science. 2016 THE CLIMATE CHANGE WEB PORTAL A System to Access and Display Climate and Earth System Model Output from the CMIP5 Archive. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 523-530. 2016 A Vulnerability Assessment of Fish and Invertebrates to Climate Change on the Northeast US Continental Shelf. PLoS One. 2016 Slow adaptation in the face of rapid warming leads to collapse of the Gulf of Maine cod fishery. Science. 809-812. 2015 Moisture Pathways into the US Intermountain West Associated with Heavy Winter Precipitation Events*. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 1184-1206. 2015 Projected ocean warming creates a conservation challenge for river herring populations. ICES Journal of Marine Science: journal du conseil. 374-387. 2015 Greenhouse Gas-Induced Changes in Summer Precipitation over Colorado in NARCCAP Regional Climate Models. Journal of Climate. 8690-8697. 2013 High-Resolution Downscaled Simulations of Warm-Season Extreme Precipitation Events in the Colorado Front Range under Past and Future Climates. Journal of Climate. 8671-8689. 2013 ENSO's Impact on the Gap Wind Regions of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. Journal of Climate. 3549-3565. 2012 Enhanced upper ocean stratification with climate change in the CMIP3 models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2012 ENSO and Pacific Decadal Variability in the Community Climate System Model Version 4. Journal of Climate. 2622-2651. 2012 Changes in hail and flood risk in high-resolution simulations over Colorado's mountains. Nature Climate Change. 125-131. 2012 An empirical model of tropical ocean dynamics. Climate Dynamics. 1823-1841. 2011 The Impact of Extratropical Atmospheric Variability on ENSO: Testing the Seasonal Footprinting Mechanism Using Coupled Model Experiments. Journal of Climate. 2885-2901. 2010 Forecasting the dynamics of a coastal fishery species using a coupled climate-population model. Ecological Applications. 452-464. 2010 The Late Fall Extratropical Response to ENSO: Sensitivity to Coupling and Convection in the Tropical West Pacific. Journal of Climate. 6101-6118. 2008 The Role of Ekman Ocean Heat Transport in the Northern Hemisphere Response to ENSO. Journal of Climate. 5688-5707. 2008 Forecasting Pacific SSTs: Linear inverse model predictions of the PDO. Journal of Climate. 385-402. 2008 Extratropical atmosphere-ocean variability in CCSM3. Journal of Climate. 2496-2525. 2006 The atmospheric response to realistic Arctic sea ice anomalies in an AGCM during winter. Journal of Climate. 890-905. 2004 The atmospheric bridge:: The influence of ENSO teleconnections on air-sea interaction over the global oceans. Journal of Climate. 2205-2231. 2002 The influence of ENSO on air-sea interaction in the Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters. 2002 Processes that influence sea surface temperature and ocean mixed layer depth variability in a coupled model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 16823-16842. 2000 A Linear Diagnosis of the Coupled Extratropical Ocean-Atmosphere System in the GFDL GCM. Atmospheric Science Letters. 14-25. 2000 Net shortwave fluxes over the ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 3167-3174. 1999 Surface flux variability over the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans. Journal of Climate. 2963-2978. 1997 Interactive visualization of climate data on the World Wide Web. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 1985-1989. 1997 DOPPLER RADAR OBSERVATIONS OF AN ASYMMETRIC MESOSCALE CONVECTIVE SYSTEM AND ASSOCIATED VORTEX COUPLET. Monthly Weather Review. 3437-3457. 1995
awards and honors Distinguished Research Lectureship, conferred by Research & Innovation Office, 1981