selected publications
conference proceeding
- An ensemble Kalman smoother for reanalysis. 144-147. 2002
- Changes of subseasonal variability associated with El Nino. 74-81. 2001
- The relationship between tropical western Pacific westerly anomalies and East Asian pressure surges. J77-J80. 1996
- Tropical-extratropical interaction during subseasonal eastward progressions of convection from the Indian Ocean to the western Pacific. J73-J76. 1996
journal article
- A multi-decadal analysis of US and Canadian wind and solar energy droughts. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 2024
- Evaluation of total column water vapour products from satellite observations and reanalyses within the GEWEX Water Vapor Assessment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9667-9695. 2024
- Evaluation and Bias Correction of the ERA5 Reanalysis over the United States for Wind and Solar Energy Applications. Energies. 2024
- ESD Ideas: Translating historical extreme weather events into a warmer world. Earth System Dynamics. 1081-1084. 2023
- Improving Atmospheric Models by Accounting for Chaotic Physics. Journal of Climate. 5569-5585. 2023
- Quantifying windstorm risks by translating historical extreme events into the future 2023
- Rescuing historical weather observations improves quantification of severewindstorm risks. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 1465-1482. 2023
- Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Continental United States Hurricane Landfalls. Geophysical Research Letters. 2023
- ESD Ideas: Translating historical extreme weather events into a warmer world 2023
- Supplementary material to "ESD Ideas: Translating historical extreme weather events into a warmer world" 2023
- Assessing homogeneity of land surface air temperature observations using sparse-input reanalyses. International Journal of Climatology. 736-760. 2023
- Rescuing historical weather observations improves quantification of severe windstorm risks 2022
- Supplementary material to "Rescuing historical weather observations improves quantification of severe windstorm risks" 2022
- Influence of The Madden-Julian Oscillation on Continental United States Hurricane Landfalls 2022
- Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Activity in the Twentieth Century Reanalysis Version 3 (20CRv3) and Its Relationship with Continental Extreme Temperatures. Atmosphere. 2022
- Meteorological data rescue: Citizen science lessons learned from Southern Weather Discovery. Patterns. 2022
- Overlapping Windows in a Global Hourly Data Assimilation System. Monthly Weather Review. 1317-1334. 2022
- Influence of warming and atmospheric circulation changes on multidecadal European flood variability. Climate of the Past. 919-933. 2022
- Blasts from the Past Reimagining Historical Storms with Model Simulations to Modernize Dam Safety and Flood Risk Assessment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. E266-E280. 2022
- Influence of Warming and Atmospheric Circulation Changes on Multidecadal European Flood Variability 2021
- Supplementary material to "Influence of Warming and Atmospheric Circulation Changes on Multidecadal European Flood Variability" 2021
- On the Development of GFDL's Decadal Prediction System: Initialization Approaches and Retrospective Forecast Assessment. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 2021
- The Record-Breaking 1933 Atlantic Hurricane Season. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. E446-E463. 2021
- An Evaluation of the Performance of the Twentieth Century Reanalysis Version 3. Journal of Climate. 1417-1438. 2021
- An assessment of early 20th century Antarctic pressure reconstructions using historical observations. International Journal of Climatology. E672-E689. 2021
- Assessing potential of sparse-input reanalyses for centennial-scale land surface air temperature homogenisation. International Journal of Climatology. E3000-E3020. 2021
- Uncertainties in Ocean Latent Heat Flux Variations over Recent Decades in Satellite-Based Estimates and Reduced Observation Reanalyses. Journal of Climate. 8415-8437. 2020
- GLOBAL CLIMATE. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. S17-S127. 2020
- Towards a more reliable historical reanalysis: Improvements for version 3 of the Twentieth Century Reanalysis system. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2876-2908. 2019
- What Is the Impact of Additional Tropical Observations on a Modern Data Assimilation System?. Monthly Weather Review. 2433-2449. 2019
- Sensitivities of the NCEP Global Forecast System. Monthly Weather Review. 1237-1256. 2019
- ADVANCING GLOBAL AND REGIONAL REANALYSES. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. ES139-ES144. 2018
- A roadmap to climate data rescue services. Geoscience Data Journal. 28-39. 2018
- ADVANCING SCIENCE AND SERVICES DURING THE 2015/16 EL NINO The NOAA El Nino Rapid Response Field Campaign. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 975-1002. 2018
- Representation of Extratropical Cyclones, Blocking Anticyclones, and Alpine Circulation Types in Multiple Reanalyses and Model Simulations. Journal of Climate. 3009-3031. 2018
- THE EXTREME 2015/16 EL NINO, IN THE CONTEXT OF HISTORICAL CLIMATE VARIABILITY AND CHANGE. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. S16-S20. 2018
- Brief communication: Changing mid-twentieth century Antarctic sea ice variability linked to tropical forcing 2017
- Supplementary material to "Brief communication: Changing mid-twentieth century Antarctic sea ice variability linked to tropical forcing" 2017
- Tropospheric circulation during the early twentieth century Arctic warming. Climate Dynamics. 2405-2418. 2017
- Introduction to the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) and overview of the reanalysis systems. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 1417-1452. 2017
- An ensemble of ocean reanalyses for 1815-2013 with sparse observational input. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 6891-6910. 2016
- The 1816 ‘year without a summer’ in an atmospheric reanalysis 2016
- Anomalous mid-twentieth century atmospheric circulation change over the South Atlantic compared to the last 6000 years. Environmental Research Letters. 2016
- Need for Caution in Interpreting Extreme Weather Statistics. Journal of Climate. 9166-9187. 2015
- Southward shift of the northern tropical belt from 1945 to 1980. Nature Geoscience. 969-U110. 2015
- Southward shift of the northern tropical belt from 1945 to 1980 (vol 8, pg 969, 2015). Nature Geoscience. 2015
- Dynamical Downscaling and Loss Modeling for the Reconstruction of Historical Weather Extremes and Their Impacts: A Severe Foehn Storm in 1925. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2015
- The Tosontsengel Mongolia world record sea-level pressure extreme: spatial analysis of elevation bias in adjustment-to-sea-level pressures. International Journal of Climatology. 2968-2977. 2015
- The International Surface Pressure Databank version 2. Geoscience Data Journal. 31-46. 2015
- A twentieth-century reanalysis forced ocean model to reconstruct the North Atlantic climate variation during the 1920s. Climate Dynamics. 1935-1955. 2015
- A collection of sub-daily pressure and temperature observations for the early instrumental period with a focus on the "year without a summer" 1816. Climate of the Past. 1027-1047. 2015
- Upper-air observations from the German Atlantic Expedition (1925-27) and comparison with the Twentieth Century and ERA-20C reanalyses. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 525-544. 2015
- Downwelling longwave flux over Summit, Greenland, 2010-2012: Analysis of surface-based observations and evaluation of ERA-Interim using wavelets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 12317-12337. 2014
- Web-Based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tools (WRIT) for Analysis and Comparison of Reanalyses and Other Datasets. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 1671-1678. 2014
- Pacific Walker Circulation variability in coupled and uncoupled climate models. Climate Dynamics. 103-117. 2014
- Continental heat anomalies and the extreme melting of the Greenland ice surface in 2012 and 1889. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 6520-6536. 2014
- Is the storminess in the Twentieth Century Reanalysis really inconsistent with observations? A reply to the comment by Krueger et al. (2013b). Climate Dynamics. 1113-1125. 2014
- Independent confirmation of global land warming without the use of station temperatures. Geophysical Research Letters. 3170-3174. 2013
- Trends and low frequency variability of extra-tropical cyclone activity in the ensemble of twentieth century reanalysis. Climate Dynamics. 2775-2800. 2013
- A multi-data set comparison of the vertical structure of temperature variability and change over the Arctic during the past 100 years. Climate Dynamics. 1577-1598. 2012
- Extreme winds at northern mid-latitudes since 1871. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 13-27. 2012
- Ozone highs and associated flow features in the first half of the twentieth century in different data sets. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 49-59. 2012
- Trends and low-frequency variability of storminess over western Europe, 1878-2007. Climate Dynamics. 2355-2371. 2011
- The International Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE) Initiative. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 1421-1425. 2011
- STATE OF THE CLIMATE IN 2010. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. S1-S236. 2011
- Recovery of Global Surface Weather Observations for Historical Reanalyses and International Users. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 154-154. 2011
- Early ship-based upper-air data and comparison with the Twentieth Century Reanalysis. Climate of the Past. 265-276. 2011
- The Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 1-28. 2011
- Removing ENSO-related variations from the climate record (vol 23, pg 1957, 2010). Journal of Climate. 6124-6127. 2010
- THE COMPREHENSIVE HISTORICAL UPPER-AIR NETWORK. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 741-751. 2010
- Removing ENSO-Related Variations from the Climate Record. Journal of Climate. 1957-1978. 2010
- THE 1918/19 EL NINO. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 177-183. 2010
- Wavelet Analysis and Filtering to Identify Dominant Orientations of Permeability Anisotropy. Mathematical Geosciences. 643-659. 2009
- A Comparison of Variational and Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation Systems for Reanalysis of Sparse Observations. Monthly Weather Review. 1991-1999. 2009
- Oceanic influences on recent continental warming. Climate Dynamics. 333-342. 2009
- Feasibility of a 100-year reanalysis using only surface pressure data. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 175-+. 2006
- Storm track predictability on seasonal and decadal scales. Journal of Climate. 3701-3720. 2004
- Reanalysis without radiosondes using ensemble data assimilation. Monthly Weather Review. 1190-1200. 2004
- ENSO-forced variability of the Pacific decadal oscillation. Journal of Climate. 3853-3857. 2003
- The Asian monsoon, the tropospheric biennial oscillation, and the Indian Ocean zonal mode in the NCAR CSM. Journal of Climate. 1617-1642. 2003
- Changes of subseasonal variability associated with El Nino. Journal of Climate. 3356-3374. 2001
- Changes of probability associated with El Nino. Journal of Climate. 4268-4286. 2000
- The horizontal and vertical structure of east Asian winter monsoon pressure surges. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 29-54. 1999
- The horizontal and vertical structure of east Asian winter monsoon pressure surges. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 29-54. 1999
- A practical guide to wavelet analysis. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 61-78. 1998
- Modulation of equatorial subseasonal convective episodes by tropical-extratropical interaction in the Indian and Pacific Ocean regions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 15033-15049. 1996